The group has to agree on how to arrange the strips. Hopping is done to give the group time to arrange the strips in order. The next Cub hops up and gets another strip and brings it back to the group. One by one, a Cub hops to the box, grabs a strip, and brings it back to the group. Mix up the strips on the floor or in a box. Then have a team challenge for the whole group. If you want, you can cut the lines up into chunks or half-lines. Line up the Lines - Take the Promise (or the Law of the Pack) and write it out on strips of paper in large letters.Stations and divide the Cubs into groups. The Cubs have more fun if you set up a few of these for each meeting. At each meeting, ask if any Cub can recite it from memory and let him try. Repetition - Write the Promise (or the Law of the Pack) on a posterboard and display it at every den meeting. Jamie said she found these after an extensive internet search into archived materials.